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Are Motorised Blinds Safe for Children and Pets?

As parents and pet owners, we're always on the lookout for ways to make our homes safer and more secure for our little ones and furry friends, and when it comes to window treatments, safety is paramount. But are motorised blinds the answer to our safety concerns? In the following blog, we’re going to take a look at motorised blinds, and examine if they're indeed safer for children and pets than traditional blinds and curtains. Let’s take a look!

What are motorised blinds?

Motorised blinds, also known as electric blinds, remote-controlled motorised blinds, or automated blinds, are a modern and convenient alternative to traditional blinds and curtains. Rather than operating manually, they use a motor and remote control to adjust the position of the blinds, allowing you to open, close, and tilt them with ease. A form of smart technology, motorised blinds are gaining popularity amongst homeowners in the UK, mostly due to their wide roster of benefits: these include increased safety features, energy efficiency, convenience, aesthetics, and more.

Benefits of motorised blinds

So, why opt for motorised blinds? Here are just a few advantages for homeowners:


Who wouldn't want the ease of controlling their blinds with a touch of a button? Motorised blinds offer the ultimate convenience, allowing you to adjust your blinds without having to get up from your seat. This is especially useful for windows that are hard to reach or in rooms where you frequently adjust the light levels - or if you simply hate getting up to adjust your blinds when engrossed in your favourite film, your dinner, or an enthralling book.

Energy efficiency

Did you know that motorised blinds can help you save on energy bills? By using the timer or light sensor functions available with many motorised blinds, you can ensure that your blinds open or close at optimal times, allowing natural light to enter your home while reducing your reliance on artificial lighting and air conditioning. In a time of rising energy costs, motorised blinds can help bring down your monthly utility bills while also offering a long-term cost-effective solution to lighting and heating your home.

Improved home security

If you travel frequently for work, or simply worry about the security of your home when you’re on holiday, motorised blinds can even help to improve your home's security: by using a timer function to open and close your blinds when you're away, you can create the illusion that someone is at home, potentially deterring would-be intruders and burglars.

Increased privacy

Looking for a way to maintain your privacy without sacrificing natural light? Motorised blinds allow you to adjust the angle of the slats, so you can let light in while keeping prying eyes out. This is especially useful for rooms facing onto busy streets, or for those who simply value their privacy when at home.


Who says practicality can't be stylish? With motorised blinds, you can enjoy a sleek, streamlined look without unsightly cords or chains. Plus, with an almost unlimited range of materials, colours, and designs available, motorised blinds can enhance the aesthetic of any room - no matter the decor.

Why motorised blinds are safer for children and pets

One of the major concerns with traditional blinds is the potential hazard posed by dangling cords and chains, which can be a strangulation risk for children and pets. Parents also need to be aware of the added risk of young children tugging on the curtains themselves, which can bring them down and result in injury (as well as a costly or time-consuming repair!)

Motorised blinds eliminate this risk, as they operate without the need for cords or chains. By removing these dangerous elements, your motorised blinds will be out of reach of your little ones’ hands and paws, resulting in a safer environment for your children and furry companions alike.

In addition to this, motorised blinds eliminate the risk of expensive curtain fabrics being soiled, scratched, or covered in paint handprints by your little ones and pets. Bonus!

Cautions to keep in mind

While motorised blinds are generally safer for homes with children and pets, it’s always important to be aware of some potential risks:

Remote controls

While motorised blinds are undoubtedly safer than their traditional counterparts, it's important to remember that some smaller remote controls can pose a choking hazard for small children. To prevent accidents, ensure that remote controls are kept out of reach of young children (especially if you have young toddlers who are learning to walk) and consider using a wall-mounted control panel instead. You can also opt for an app-controlled or voice-controlled model instead, although this will require third-party technology to operate.

Electric components

As with any electrical device, there are some risks associated with motorised blinds' electrical components. Ensure that your blinds are installed by a qualified professional and regularly check for any signs of damage or wear in the wiring. Additionally, teach your children not to touch the motor or any other electrical components to avoid potential accidents.

Overall, while motorised blinds offer numerous benefits for homeowners, their enhanced safety features make them a wise choice for households with children and pets. By eliminating the hazards associated with cords and chains, motorised blinds provide a safer environment for you and your loved ones.

published on April 26, 2023


Smart Blinds


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