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How Often Do Motorised Blinds Need to Be Recharged?

Having motorised blinds in your home is a great way to make your space more comfortable, while also helping to keep your home energy efficient. But like any other electronic device, motorised blinds need to be maintained and recharged periodically; the frequency of recharging depends on the type and size of your motorised blinds, as well as how often you use them.

So, how often do motorised blinds need to be recharged? We're going to take a look at this question in the following blog, so let's get started!

What are motorised blinds?

Motorised blinds are a type of window covering that are operated with a motor, usually via a remote control or a wall switch. Motorised blinds are typically operated by batteries and don't require any wiring or hardwiring.

Benefits of motorised blinds

So, why are motorised blinds so popular? Aside from the convenience of being able to open and close your blinds from the comfort of your sofa or bed, motorised blinds also offer the following benefits to your home:

  • Energy efficiency - If you're looking to make your home more energy efficient, installing motorised blinds should be your first step; as they can be programmed to open and close at specific times of the day or night, they can help to keep your home cooler during hot days and warmer on cold nights, and save money on energy bills in the long run.

  • Safety - Motorised blinds reduce the need for long cords, which can be dangerous for homes with young children or pets. Plus, some models even include light sensors - these sensors can detect when it gets too dark and will automatically lower the blinds for privacy and security.

  • Home value - As motorised blinds are considered a tenant of smart technology, installing them in your home can even increase the market value of your property.

How often should I charge my motorised blinds?

In general, we'd estimate that motorised blinds only need to be recharged around 1-2 times a year; this can vary depending on the model of your motorised blinds, as well as how often they're in use. Here are just a few factors that can impact the durability of your blind's charge:

Frequency of use

Daily use will mean that you'll most likely need to charge your blind's batteries at least once a year, or twice a year if you're in a particularly sunny climate. If your motorised blinds are only used occasionally, then you should be able to get away with charging them every two or three years. You can prolong your blinds' battery life by only using them when necessary - this also helps maximise the energy efficiency of your home.

Do note that having your blinds running on an automatic schedule can also significantly eat up the battery life. Rather than scheduling your blinds to open and close every morning and evening, simply use the blinds where needed, and only use them in rooms that you're using.

Weight of fabric

The weight of your blind's fabric is also going to play a role in how often you'll need to recharge them. Heavier fabrics - such as blackout blinds - are going to require more power than a small roller blind. You'll most likely need to charge heavier blinds around 2-3 times a year - although again do note that frequency of usage is typically the most influential factor here.

Size of the blinds

Larger motorised blinds will naturally require more power to move than smaller ones, and so you should expect to recharge them more often. Make sure you check your manufacturer's guidelines for best practices on recharging frequency for your particular size and model of blinds.

Blind and window length

The longer your window, the longer your blinds need to be, and in addition to this, the more your blinds will need to move in order to open and close; if you have particularly long blinds then you may need to recharge them more often.

How to know when to recharge your motorised blinds

So, how can you tell when your motorised blinds need recharging? The easiest way is to check the activation speed of your blinds. If they're noticeably slower than usual, or if you hear a grinding noise when adjusting them, then it's likely time for a recharge.

It's also important to keep an eye out for any error messages that your motorised blinds may display - some smart blinds come with an integrated app feature, which will let you know when your batteries are nearing the end of their charge.


How long do motorised blind batteries last?

Motorised blinds are built to last, so you can expect at least 5 years' worth of use before needing to replace the blinds' battery. With the right care and reasonable use, the battery can even last for up to 10 years.

How long do you charge motorised blinds?

For a full charge, you should charge your blinds' battery for 6 hours. Some models may beep once fully charged, but it's a good idea to set a timer just to be sure.

Are motorised blinds worth the money?

Yes! Not only do they make your home more comfortable and energy efficient, but smart blinds can even increase the market value of your home.

published on February 15, 2023

Smart Blinds


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